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The Anima Neptune 2 by DermaJEM

The Neptune 2.0 is perfect for any aesthetician or med spa looking for an easy-to-use, versatile machine with five different modalities to offer several different facial treatments.  

Using the Neptune 2.0 is effortless. Simply use the touchscreen control panel to switch from one modality to another. 

Choose from the following modalities:

  • Hydrodermabrasion
  • Oxygen Infusion
  • Radiofrequency 
  • Microcurrent
  • LED Mask 

Benefits of the Neptune 2.0: 

  • Five different modalities to choose from
  • The treatment process is fast and easy on the operator
  • Offer several treatments for various skin types including sensitive skin
  • Offer extractions, induce the body’s natural healing process, help reduce acne bacteria, stimulate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) cell growth, drive the creation of collagen and elastin in the skin, and so much more. 
  • Simple and easy operation
  • Features 3 storage jars for serums and 1 large waste jar 
  • Touchscreen interface 

Collectively, the five built-in modalities enable you to offer some of the most popular beauty treatments in demand today. The Neptune 2.0 also makes it easy to offer upsells and add-ons for other treatments. Easily add value by creating custom bundles with other treatments like micro-needling, facials, and more.   

The device has three serum storage jars and a large waste jar located in the back of the machine.  

Overall the Neptune 2.0 is an extremely powerful machine that will give you the versatility you need to offer several different treatments to attract and retain customers. 

Click here to learn more about the Anima Neptune 2.0!

Schedule a free consultation with a spa expert today to discover what DermaJEM can do for you. 

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